For some time now, my economist friends have had to put up with my dabbling in economics. See, e.g. They will be relieved to hear that I am presently more interested in psychology.
The role of emotion in policy (as opposed to politics) does not get much direct or systematic attention as such in the policy community. Perhaps we are all pretending that it is not there, because in one sense it ought not be there. One might say that people ought to decide among policy options objectively, and choose the best policy based on rational considerations and evidence. Of course this is not entirely possible. There is no point in asking people not to feel things. Since there is nothing to be done, perhaps there is nothing to be said, either?
My take is that this is in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. To start, we certainly do not know for certain there is nothing to be done until after some sort of discussion or analysis is complete. let me set out a few personal observations to serve as a starting point.